Let Us make a New India – A Powerful One

India is a land of culture and traditions and we all Indians are proud to be part of such a beautiful country. Although our country is not a developed one but is developing day by day at a great pace!  The IT sector is also establishing rapidly which is helping in improving the economy of the country. Many such good things are happening in India that is making it a powerful country. All these things are the brighter part of this lavishing country.

IndiaBut there is a darker side too! Yes! A dark side of India! India was under the control of the British people for around 200 years but became independent with the courage and fighting spirit of the freedom fighters. But this independence was only meant for creating history and adding them up to the books for the younger generation I guess! As still we are not independent! Today not the British ruler but our own Indians have made us slaves. How let us see below:

  • Cartoons-Against-Corruption-In-India-7-e1347297174583It is believed that with the progress of the country there is progress of the country people but here in India the entire concept is different. Yes here rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer day by day. The honorable politicians work for the poor people only when there is some election campaign as the poor people are only meant for vote banks. It is the result of the most talked factor called corruption! What the hell is this corruption all about? It is just a way to exploit the mob of the country.
  • Women IndiaAccording to the Vedas, and other spiritual and traditional books women were worshiped but again these are the bookish things not the reality. Indian women are treated as a machine today! A machine that is only meant for sacrificing her own life for others like her husband, her children, her in laws and society. If she tries to raise her voice then the society chokes her throat. If she is a working lady especially if she works in the night shifts then the society calls her characterless and puts evil eyes on them. But why?
  • poverty_indiaChildren who are born to poor families are destined to be poor like their family. There is a right in the constitution of India called right to equality and right to education but once again it is a written format which is maintained just for formality. As the child born to the poor family does not get the equal opportunity as a child of his age in a economically strong background family gets. Why such discrimination in this so called democratic country?

united_we_stand__divided_we_fall_by_raxas_alice-d5lkukxBut just talking about these problems will not bring out any solution to them. We need to take some stronger actions against them. So let us take an oath today that we will fight against every injustice made to us together. As we all know “United we stand, divided we fall”, so let’s get united and make our country free from all the social and political diseases and have a strong,powerful and a really independent country!

Jai Hind!